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Surya Kumar Yadav’s Festive Food Picks: #CelebrateLarge With These #Hatke Dishes This Season!

It’s that time of the year again; mouth-watering food, bling outfits, indulgent treats and a lot of love and laughter. With the festive season upon us, we’re preparing for Durga Pooja and Dussehra, all while keeping our shopping lists handy for Diwali. But there’s one thing without which all these festivities are incomplete— a feast. Whether you plan on hosting a grand Diwali party or simply treating yourself to a festive feast at your friend’s place, this season is all about embracing our tradition and the festive menu is no exception. Enter generation large who is always looking for "hatke" experiences that set their celebrations apart. This generation believes in going big and being a trendsetter and this motto extends to their culinary choices. We’ve curated a collection of game-changing dishes that will make your festive table a feast to remember. So, get ready to impress your guests and satisfy those cravings with SKY’s favourite festive food picks.

Pinwheel Samosa

Why settle for the regular triangular samosa when you can have them in a fun pinwheel shape? These bite-sized wonders are filled with spiced potatoes and green peas filling, wrapped in a pinwheel-like shape. Perfect for snacking while chilling, these are not just easy to eat but also a total crowd-pleaser!

Beetroot Quinoa Patties

It’s easy to get carried away in the festive spirit and lose track of your calories while binge-eating all the snacks. To help you stay on track with your fitness goals, next up, we have the vibrant beetroot quinoa patties. These not only look amazing on your plate but also pack a healthy punch, making them a guilt-free indulgence for all your guests.

Bengal's Koraishutir Kachori (Green Peas Kachodi)

Give your guests a taste of Bengal with these mouthwatering kachoris filled with spiced green peas. These must-try kachoris are a special indulgence and are deep-fried and served hot with a side of salad, potato curry and a few green chillies. This recipe will easily crown you the host of the season!

Hyderabadi Khubani Ka Meetha

Moving on to desserts, treat your guests to this Hyderabadi indulgent– an apricot delight that’s sweet, tangy, and irresistible. Serve it warm and topped with nuts, this dessert will leave your guests asking for seconds!

Gulaab jamun cheesecake

Finally, we have a showstopper: gulaab jamun cheesecake! This fusion dessert combines the richness of gulaab jamun and the goodness of cheesecake to give you a perfectly balanced indulgent dessert that’s bound to wow your guests! Perfect for those who love contemporary but fancy something closer to the roots every now and then.

This festive season, it’s time to swap your traditional menu for these game-changing dishes that are sure to impress! With options ranging from the delightful Pinwheel Samosas to the innovative Gulaab Jamun Cheesecake, you'll easily become the favourite host among your friends.

So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to celebrate in style and #CelebrateLarge as your festive feast becomes the talk of the town!

By Nitika
72506 Interested |535K Views

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