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Festive Binging This Year? Do It Right With These Must-try Food Items As Recommended By Surya Kumar

It’s that time of the year again; mouth-watering food, bling outfits, indulgent treats and a lot of love and laughter. With the festive season upon us, we’re preparing for Durga Pooja and Dussehra, all while keeping our shopping lists handy for Diwali.

But there’s one thing without which all these festivities are incomplete— a feast. Whether you plan on hosting a grand Diwali party or simply treating yourself to a festive feast at your friend’s place, this season is all about embracing our tradition and the festive menu is no exception.

Enter generation large who is always looking for "hatke" experiences that set their celebrations apart. This generation believes in going big and being a trendsetter and this motto extends to their culinary choices.

We’ve curated a collection of game-changing dishes that will make your festive table a feast to remember. So, get ready to impress your guests and satisfy those cravings with SKY’s favourite festive food picks.If you have been anywhere near the festive landscape in India, you know that this time of the year calls for a lot of unapologetic and guilt-free binging.

And yes– we get it! It’s easy to get carried away when there’s a table full of binge-worthy snacks and the most indulgent sweets known to mankind. This is the (only) time of the year when calories don't count and all of us are on the lookout for food items and hotspots to enjoy with our loved ones.

However, for Generation Large, it isn’t only about binge eating– it’s about discovering the best of flavours and must-try dishes you just can’t miss. From devouring a plate of sweets to indulging in the tastiest snacks, this generation doesn’t do things halfway.

So, if you’re looking to up your festive food game this year, we’ve got you covered with Surya Kumar Yadav’s must-try recommendations. From classic sweets to irresistible snacks, these dishes are the perfect addition to your festive binge session.

Get ready to feast like never before!

Nadru ke Kebab

A Kashmiri delicacy and an underrated wonder, presenting— Nadru ke kebab, made of lotus stem and shaped into small tikki balls. Crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, pair it with fresh mint chutney, and you’ve got the ultimate starter for any festive gathering.

Gujarat's Sandwich Dhokla

A special from Gujrat, this dish offers the best of two worlds– the goodness and sponginess of a dhokla combined with the layers of a sandwich. Imagine two slices of fluffy dhokla with a coconut chutney filling right in the middle. It’s light, it’s savoury, and that tiny hint of sweetness makes it a perfect fusion of flavours.

Odhisa's Dahi Vada-Aloo Dum

For the ultimate combo, try Odisha’s beloved Dahi Vada-Aloo Dum. Here, the vada’s are dipped in chilled yoghurt and are then paired with tangy, masala-rich potato curry. A dish that’s cool and spicy, soft and hearty, all at once. Your guests will find themselves licking the bowl and wondering where this was all their life, guaranteed!

Rose pistachio kulfi

When you need to hit the refresh button mid-feast, Rose Pistachio Kulfi is the way to go. With the essence of rose and crunchy pistachios, this frozen treat isn’t your average ice cream; it’s an experience. Serve it at the last and watch your guests swoon over this sweet delight.

Nolen Gurer Sandesh

Presenting Nolen Gurer Sandesh— a sweet, delicate confection made from date palm jaggery. This Bengali dessert is creamy with a caramelized depth that’ll have you reaching for just one more bite (and then another). Nolen Gur brings a unique richness that makes this sandesh both comforting and luxurious—a dessert truly fit for a celebration.

With these stellar picks on your table, you’re guaranteed to impress and indulge like never before. So go big, enjoy every bite and #CelebrateLarge this season!

By Nitika
72506 Interested |535K Views

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